Grant Wise

Interview With Grant Wise

Bill: Hey, everybody, it’s Bill McIntosh, back again with another interview for Social Video Formula. This time I’ve got Grant Wise! Hey, Grant!

Grant: Hey, man, how’s it going today?

Bill: It’s going well. I’m glad you joined us here and I got to tell you, I really, really appreciate you sharing the details of your campaigns and what’s working for you and your clients. I know you didn’t have to do that and a lot of people wouldn’t have done that. So thanks, I appreciate it.

Grant: Absolutely. I’m always here to add value anywhere I can. So thank you for having me on, I appreciate it.

Bill: Awesome. I know people are going to get a lot of value from this, so definitely worth it. Let’s talk a little bit about, I know there’s kind of two aspects to what you’ve been doing with video ads on Facebook. One is for your own company where you’re essentially attracting clients who want to hire you as a local marketer, so you’re marketing for local businesses to promote and get them traffic and customers and money. You’re attracting your own clients, but then you’re also taking them and using them for those clients, so let’s kind of dive into there a little bit. Tell us first, who are your clients, what kind of success are you having with them? Let’s dive into that.

Grant: Absolutely. My clients really kind of started in the real estate space where we would teach people how to generate leads through Facebook, specifically real estate agents, how to generate buyer leads, seller leads, how to attract investors, how to do things like that. All the success that really came from that, we attracted some different types of clients and different niches, health and wellness, doctors, attorneys, people in the insurance space, credit space, financial space. People found that it was incredibly surprising how much they could decrease how much they were spending in marketing and how much that increased their bottom line because of how successful Facebook has made their ad platform.

Bill: So decreasing their spending and increasing their return on investment at the same time. That’s the like the Holy Grail of marketing.

Grant: [Laughs] Exactly right, exactly right. My doctor client, he was so excited, they were spending $12,000 a month in newspaper ads and we brought it down, we reduced it down to $4,000 a month and we doubled the results that they were getting. He probably could’ve not spent even $4,000, but he definitely wanted to scale if he could, so the results are astounding. The abilities that people have with Facebook’s ad platform and especially now with a lot of the video features that they’ve thrown in, dark posts and other things, it’s amazing.

Bill: Wow. So let’s focus in on the video ad aspect of it and what kind of campaigns are you seeing working for your clients on the video shot?

Grant: Whatever is of value, understanding who your audience is is really probably the most important part of this and understanding how to market to that person in today’s day and age, we really discovered a very serious disconnect between the older demographic and the younger demographic of people, specifically people trying to sell to millennials because we don’t want to be talked to, we don’t want to be sold to, we don’t want any of those things that those top level people are used to distributing. So it’s finding the value points in whatever that may be. If that’s entertainment, if that’s education, whatever that value looks like to whoever is behind the scenes marketing, finding those points, finding the pain, finding the joy, finding the entertainment, whatever that looks like, and marketing that with a video is grabbing some insane attention.

Bill: So you sort of lead them into the sale process with that, entertainment or education or some other kind of, it’s almost like bait to kind of lure them into the sales process really, it sounds like.

Grant: Absolutely. I mean, it’s just writing click bait or ad copy, using it in a video form, which is something that we resonate so much more with. There’s a reason that Facebook is driving nearly 90% more traffic to video than they are anything else and it’s definitely, it goes to suit, what we’re doing here.

Bill: That stat you just threw out there, I don’t think most people are aware of that. I don’t think they realize just how big video is on Facebook.

Grant: It’s huge. I mean, Facebook and YouTube, obviously they don’t like each other and Facebook is going to do everything they can to make sure people stay on their site and so they’re driving more traffic to video than anything. If you think about it, it’s a more effective communication style. You can call somebody right now, we’re at an age where people are getting upset if you even call them. We’re kind of getting to where we don’t even like to communicate with text sometimes. We have social media, we have all these things, but when a video is distributed, everything comes across clearly and that’s something that I’ve tried to express to my clients, is it takes building a relationship to a whole new level, because they get to do it without picking up the phone and calling you. I get to follow you for two or three months before I ever decide if I want to do business with you and that is to your benefit and it’s to my benefit. We both win there because I’m not wasting your time. So much stuff has changed as we’ve kind of grown into this new society and this new culture and understanding that, Facebook has done an amazing job with driving traffic to video so people can further build relationships, further get that content that we really want, they’ve just done an amazing job.

Bill: What you just said there, too, about the way things are changing. We are changing in relationship to the internet really and Facebook is a big part of that. We are adapting and changing to it. What you said there about how someone really at this point, at the moment they have their curiosity kind of piqued at, “I might want to go visit a dentist,” so they might mess around, find somebody and follow them and even be able to do research on them with Yelp and everything else, but more importantly, they might follow them. Then the life cycle extends out. They may wait to see three or four pieces of pie before they finally make that decision to pull the trigger and pick up the phone or whatever it might be to engage with the customer.

Grant: Absolutely! They’re saying right now statistically, we have to be hit like eight times before we finally make a decision and that makes total sense. I used these statistics in my own life as I go through and judge things and all my clients do the same. I think a lot of people do it without really even being conscious of the fact that we’re studying people before we really just dive in and say, “Okay, yes, I want to commit to this,” and we’ve always done it. If you think about it, we’ve always had that first impression, that thing that we’re looking for. We’re trying to decide if we really like people and we kind of get to make that decision now without bothering anybody, if that makes sense, and it’s to both people’s benefit. It’s like, “Okay, if you don’t like me, that’s perfectly fine, I really never even knew about it because you didn’t have to come into my world and say, ‘Hey, I didn’t like you, I’m not going to talk to you anymore.’”

Bill: And what you just said there about how at this point, most of the time the company or the business isn’t aware of that process happening. But one of the really cool things about video is you now have a way of kind of taking control of that and learning about it. We were talking before I turned the recording on about some of the stuff that you’re doing with building a retargeting list based on people who have viewed your videos. So you can! Now you can actually kind of take control of that with the Facebook video platform.

Grant: You can certainly navigate that conversation in pretty much anyway that you want to. It goes back to understanding the value point, understanding the pain, understanding the entertainment, understanding what your prospect wants, you get to develop content that really suits that, so whenever you go out and push that into the space, Facebook has now given you the ability to pretty much tag that person without necessarily tagging that person. They know who that person is, they know who they’re putting into your custom audience, but you don’t. That’s okay, they’re giving you the opportunity to find that out. Using these marketing methods appropriately, now you can go out and you can front-end your marketing with a video, maybe even do it 48, 72 hours before you actually even start your website or boost post—and boost post, I say that as a descriptive term, not necessarily just, hey, go press the button. You definitely need to be using power editor and some other targeting methods with that. Now you have the opportunity to go out and build an audience and Facebook is showing you exactly who is viewing your content, which is cool, because traditionally, we’ve got to go out and we’ve got to hope that we know our audience well enough. We get to go in and we get to target and we get to try and build out audiences and hope that they test well. What their new video platform gives us the ability to do is throw content to a generic audience and allow Facebook to work for us, allow the audience to build itself. We get to see who’s watching our content, who is watching less than 3% of it, who is watching more than 95% of it. It’s so targeted, so niched down that then we get to back end and do everything that we’ve been doing. Their new video ad platform is really going to help people dramatically decrease how much they’re spending to try and target things and then turn around and back end them with traditional Facebook ads that they would be running.

Bill: So the approach you’re talking about really is kind of a layered approach, so you have on the front, if you were to kind of mock up an example campaign, on the front of it, you lead in with video, and that would probably be some of the content you talked about, it’s going to entertain, educate, grab attention and kind of start that relationship building—and tell me if I’m wrong. But this is kind of what I’m understanding here how you structure your campaigns. So that leads on the front end. Then you’ll follow behind it with either maybe more video ads or you might switch and you might switch it up a bit and try to drive direct to a website click or trying to drive engagement with a fan page. We have a series of kind of a layered approach now and you target the secondary and the third layers to the audience who viewed your video. First you do a more broad targeting on the video, let Facebook kind of niche it down to only the people that were most interested, who viewed your video, then you follow up with a second and third and so forth ads to the more tightly targeted niche audience then.

Grant: Absolutely. Absolutely, that’s right on. It’s performing extremely, extremely well. At the end of the day, you have to make a transaction with one person, like one person is going to buy your product. Whether there’s 30,000 people that you have targeted, you’re still looking for one sale. Now you’re looking for that at scale, which is why you’re doing this. Targeting and just continuing to niche that down and continuing to bring that down into a smaller, smaller bubble of people helps you further close. It’s segmentation on steroids, this dramatically increases your ability to target somebody.

Bill: Okay, so now let’s dive right into the details of it. The videos that you’re leading with on the front end, kind of describe them and tell us what you’ve learned as to what’s working the best, when it comes to video itself.

Grant: Anything that you can do that is really suited for whatever purpose that person may have. I have some doctor clients and when we first started, they weren’t using much video and they were very, very good in their practice with natural medicine, with other things like that. But at the end of the day, they had to identify and relate with pain to bring people into their doors, and so talking about people that may couldn’t have children or talking about people that were suffering from chronic pain, you really have to be careful with Facebook’s ad guides to know what you can put out there. Pain is probably one of the biggest things that we have or that we kind of resonate with because I have a problem, you have a solution, how can we work together and get me through this stage of my life. Pain is probably one of the greatest. Then it just comes into curiosity. With a lot of our real estate clients—

Bill: When you’re talking about pain, too, you’re not necessarily meaning like, “Oh, my arm hurts,” pain.

Grant: Right.

Bill: Emotional, mental type of pain.

Grant: Exactly. If I’m having problems trying to figure out how to run Facebook video ads, like I’m going to go out there and I’m going to search for this and hopefully through my searches, Facebook is going to queue me up and somebody’s ad targeting is going to come in and grab me so I can learn more from a coach or from somebody that knows about Facebook video marketing. It’s just identifying the pain in your life that you’re experiencing, exactly, not necessarily like, “Ow, I think I just broke my arm,” or whatever that may be. It’s just identifying what problems people are having and I call it pain, other people could call it problems, etc. As I was leading into, with our real estate clients, it’s what information are we looking for and that’s another great thing to use. A lot of people do this with blogs, I know a lot of people right now that are using video straight to blog. I know my team is having me record my videos and then they’re turning that into a blog, we’re giving people both mediums, understanding that everybody learns differently is very important. I could sit here and I could watch video eight hours a day as opposed to read—I’m a visual learner, so understanding those things as well. But identifying the information that people are after and knowing what that information is, creating marketing pieces—whether that’s white board videos, whether that’s just a simple video with you talking on your phone because you’re trying to build trust and you’re trying to build relationships—whatever that looks like to you, whatever that looks like to your business or organization. Identifying those things and then creating presentations to that. This doesn’t mean go out and throw a 15-minute video right on Facebook because with Facebook’s current ad platform, it doesn’t necessarily serve you well. Right now, we’re trying to pull people into our own funnel, so we’re trying to take them from Facebook and take them into our own funnels. So your videos don’t need to be just incredibly long. We’ve seen videos that perform extremely well at 30 seconds, because you’ve got that 30-34 second mark to really grab people or they’re gone forever. But we also see videos that perform really well on Facebook that are 2-5 minutes. It’s all really relevant to the content. I’ve sat myself and I’ve watched a 60-minute sales video and never got the answer that I wanted but I did it because I knew that the answer was coming at some point in time. So identifying that and then just writing good copy to that and then creating that in a video format.

Bill: Let’s throw some examples possibly out, let’s use the doctor client and a real estate client as an example. Tell me if I’ve got this right. If a doctor was looking for kind of a natural approach to heal headaches, let’s just say, the doctor might just record a very simple video even from their iPhone sitting at their desk in their office or in their waiting area of whatever so they can kind of see they’re in there and they’re in their practice. Just record a real simple 30-second to 1-minute video talking about how lots of people are suffering from various types of headache, whether it’s migraine or whatever and that there are natural approaches available. Maybe even talk about what a couple of the options are and then maybe end on a call to action, like, “To find out more about how we could help you with this, click through.” Is that kind of…

Grant: Very something similar to that and I would even go as far to say we’re a society that is drowning in information and thirsting for knowledge and so we want to know more. We want to know more. If I’m a doctor client, I’m going to record a video, I may say that there’s different kinds of headaches in the video, so click through to learn what kind of headache you have and then we’re going to show you exactly how to counteract that. That really kind of springs curiosity in people’s minds to say, “I didn’t realize I could have a different kind of headache than somebody else, I thought all headaches were the same.”

Bill: You’ve built history or an open loop there, so they want to fill that.

Grant: Exactly. You’ve built that kind of scarcity, logic-type mentality, like “Oh, I didn’t understand this, I’ve got to go find out what kind of headache I have, he has the answers on the other side of the screen.” I would do something just like that, helping people identify that they may be different in one form or fashion and then take them through your funnel. Then have another page that describes, this is the type of headache that this is, this is the type of headache that this is, click here further and we’ll show you exactly how to cure this headache. So taking people one to two to three times really kind of further helps you pixilate, cookie, target, whatever you’re doing, and then just kind of back end them with product. It’s Gary Vaynerchuk, he’s somebody I’ve been following a lot, the jab-jab-jabright hook mentality. Just add value and then pitch. Do that in your video, from what we’ve seen, give people what they want because if you don’t give it to them, they’re going to go somewhere else and get it. Add the value that you can and add just enough but don’t add so much that you’re just giving away your answers without collecting information. There’s a real exchange that happens from that. I’m giving you information that you want and you’re giving me, say a name and email address, whatever that looks like to you or your clients. Use the knowledge that you have and really kind of develop it in a valuable format that you’re not just giving away everything before you collect something.

Bill: Gotcha. That could be really valuable. So in that case, with that doctor, he could make a series of maybe three different videos with three different approaches to that, of bringing something to their attention that the prospect may not have known about, then offering to fill in the gap by getting them to click through and do that from three different angles. Then you’d have your whole campaign right there that you could roll out now.

Grant: Exactly.

Bill: Now let’s flip gears and look over at the real estate side for a minute, because that’s a little different. What might be a way someone could do a campaign like that? Give me an example of what the video content itself might be.

Grant: Real estate is a relationship business. I think most things are a relationship business but in real estate, that kind of speaks truer than most. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, and that’s probably not more true than it is in the real estate industry. People using their profiles and using video to communicate who they are and express themselves, it’s extremely important for a real estate agent. At the end of the day, why does a consumer need a realtor? It’s to buy a home. How can I distribute the content that I may have on home purchases, home sells, any of those types of things to generate leads. What we’ve seen is probably the most popular method is running partial videos of a home. Show you a picture of a home, you go to the virtual tour and a lot of real estate agents are really going to know what that’s like, but kind of editing and cutting that at like 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and saying to watch more of this home, Facebook now even has on their ads a watch more button that you can click on that people are going to go to before they get to see the rest of that home they’ve got to give their name and email address. We were running ads with two weeks ago and we generated, we were spending about $5 a day, $10 a day to show three or four different properties all in the same ad set. We generated, it was 269 leads and we spent under $100. Using formats like that, people want—

Bill: Wait a second there, too. When you think about it, real estate leads are really valuable, too. That’s really cheap.

Grant: It’s incredibly lucrative. Nobody understands, I could probably go on a “Grant rant” about this for hours. But that’s going back to me saying there’s such a real disconnect between top-level agents, top-level real estate brokers trying to advise people that don’t know how to grow or market a business how to communicate with the consumer who has completely changed their mentality. If I drive onto a car lot and a salesman walks up to me, I’m frustrated, because I wasn’t ready for that guy yet. That’s what this culture has taught us. I get to do things on my time, I get to look at information when I want to look at it, and I get to make decisions when I’m ready to make decisions and I don’t need you to push me to do that. So I think there’s a real struggle in the auto industry especially trying to figure out how to talk to people because we just communicate differently now. But yes to your original statement, the opportunity is extremely, extremely lucrative for the real estate agent and using just Facebook’s ad platform and just Facebook’s video platform.

Bill: I like that format then. It’s essentially a teaser of—I would imagine that the little 15-second clip at the beginning would really kind of show off and highlight the stuff that would really make someone want to know, “Wow, I want to know more about this home.”

Grant: Right.

Bill: Then they can’t get it until they click, fill out a little lead form and then they can have the whole virtual tour and all the info about the property, basically.

Grant: Right. Understanding your buyer’s psychology, we know that the pictures of the outside of the home, dens perform better with men, pictures of the bathroom, the pantry, the kitchen, the living area perform better with women. Understanding who your market is, understanding who your consumer is really allows you to tweak your content and distribute it in such a way that it is a little more labor intensive, but when you go to distribute that content and spend money getting it out there to generate business, to generate leads, the ROI is huge, because Facebook is going to allow you to spend pennies to get this product out there.

Bill: Wow, I actually didn’t know that about real estate, which would make sense, so completely different visual elements and information about properties appeal to the different sexes, I didn’t know that.

Grant: Absolutely, absolutely.

Bill: So now it makes it even better because now you have two different versions, it’s really easy to target male and female and in separate campaigns.

Grant: Exactly.

Bill: That’s very cool. All right, let’s dive a little deeper into a typical campaign. We kind of get an idea of what the video and what the funnel kind of looks like. Anything in particular you’ve learned as far as targeting or campaign set up itself that is kind of a best practice for you?

Grant: With targeting, it really does go back and I know I’m kind of harping on this, but knowing who your audience is, that will really help you, but if I didn’t know who my audience was, what I’m going to do is I’m going to go into power editor on Facebook and I’m going to apply who I think I know my audience is. Say I sell homes and I don’t know anything about my market, I’m going to go in and I’m going to target the age demo of people that can purchase homes, which is statistically around the 22-24 year old mark and then I’m not going to throw an age limit on that, I’m probably not going to throw any male/female designations in there, probably just going to run it generically if I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m going to target the keywords of my industry, so people that are interested in real estate, people that have interest in real estate, people that have interest in residential property and real estate investing, and the keyword realtor, because they need one of those to purchase a home. People that have interest in mortgages, people that have interest in credit, loans, finance. I’m really just going to search and understand those types of things. If I’m a common sense thinker, so to say, I’m going to target families and home and garden. I’m going to target other keywords that are kind of value-grabs that don’t necessarily have to do with purchasing a home, but my 65-year-old grandmother might have a relationship, a family-style relationship with me where she sees this property and she tags me in it and that happens all the time. So building out a campaign like that. I’m very big with behaviors as well. We try and target online buyers, we do a lot with early and late technology adapters. Understanding that most of your contents consumed on your cell phone, making sure that you’re really kind of targeting everything to be mobile responsive. Understanding that cell phone providers, if you’re dealing with products that somebody may need a good credit score, I’m not going to target somebody that’s got a Cricket cell phone. I’m primarily going to target somebody with AT&T and Verizon. Just little details like that and kind of nerding out a little bit and understanding those things, but targeting generic and specific. I kind of got a little more specific there at the end, but what I’m going to do—

Bill: You use it as basic logic and try to target a little bit broadly and then use some of the actual behaviors that you can then try to fine-tune that a little bit, it sounds like.

Grant: Yeah. Then allow Facebook to do the rest of the work for me. A lot of people don’t understand that Facebook has an extensive ads reporting section where people can go in and they can see who’s watching their videos. They can see how long they’re watching their videos. They can see what age group of people is watching their videos. They can see male/female, that demographic that’s watching their videos. A lot of people don’t understand where that reporting platform is even at. But you can go in and allow Facebook to further target and allow Facebook to further do that work for you.

Bill: Is that the report we were talking about earlier, when you mentioned that you had something that you can show?

Grant: Yes. Yes, yes.

Bill: Can you show that?

Grant: Yeah, absolutely. I’m going to pull my screen up here really quick so I can share that with you. Let me get it up. If you go into your ads manager—I’m just going to go ahead and click this, just so I can show people that may not know. If you go into your ads manager, you’re going to see a lot of your videos. If you click right here, it’s going to show you your reports. Just click on that and what’s your going to see here, these are some ads that we’ve had out, what I can do is, I can go right here and see general metrics, it’s just going to show me a lot of my clicks, what my CTR is, and kind of like you and I were talking, we think that these clickthrough rates are coming in and spitting out a little lower numbers than is traditionally correct. Of course you’ll notice this name says “Paulo,” my name is Grant, this is a client of mine, I do have permission to be in here. But right here as well, this is going to show you traditionally who is watching your video, who is watching your content. It’s going to show you age, demo, female, how much content they’re watching. We see with this video specifically that we’re succeeding right here, with the 35- 44 demo in the females. They’re watching more videos of ours than anybody else. Of the ad spend that we had, that’s how much they tied up of that.

Bill: That’s really gold there.

Grant: It is. It helps you understand how to target your next ad and this is what I was talking about with placement, understanding where the ad is being seen. As you can see, this is the mobile view, this is the desktop view. It’s strongly, strongly outweighed that everybody is viewing this content on your phone, make sure that you’re not targeting ads on the right side of your desktop unless it’s spitting out more numbers, things like that. Then you go to video actions. This is really cool because we can take the content that we’ve created, this is one of the latest ads that we did—no, I’m sorry, this is one of the latest ads that we did, the corporate videos here. We can see what our impressions are like, we can see what our cost has gotten down to, which is crazy. We can see, as we go further down here, this is showing us how much of our video on average is being consumed. This is very good information. This video is about 1 minute and 18 seconds, I believe. But if you look here, it’s showing you how many people are viewing your content and how much of that content that they’re consuming, so it’s showing us what our numbers are as you climb further and further and further into the video. When you look at this, we’re seeing that we’ve got 55 here, we have 46 viewed 100%. 46 people, if I turn right around and retarget those, being that this ad right now, we’ve spent $43, if I sell 3 videos to 46 people, I’ve more than paid for my advertisement and of course I’m probably going to scale. But this shows us what the interest is and it shows us how much and how much of our content is being viewed and that data is really where the pure gold lies and that tells you a couple things. If a lot of your content is not being viewed, that could mean that your targeting is slightly off. If a lot of your content is being viewed, it lets you know that you’re in the right place. There’s so many different things that can come of your data here, but understanding what this data can tell you and what this data can allow you to do, that’s big, that’s really big. Just to kind of break away and come back, understanding what that data is and how to leverage it, that’s extremely important.

Bill: Especially after you’ve run your first campaign and now you can kind of take a break, dive into the numbers and it’s a perfect way to decide what to do on campaign number two now, like you mentioned.

Grant: Absolutely, and you can do this for a very small ad spend, too.

Bill: Yeah, I noticed. I’m noticing that a lot, you don’t have to spend much to get some pretty massive results with video ads.

Grant: Absolutely.

Bill: Now earlier we were talking about some of the kind of results that from an ROI standpoint, from spend to revenue, what kind of stuff have you seen? Maybe talk about some of the exciting things, the numbers that you’ve seen.

Grant: Yeah, I have real estate clients that come to me and say, “We’ve been doing it this way, we’re spending thousands, we’re paying lead generation companies, they’re not doing it.” They come into our organization and we have them start spending $1-300 and then their momentum starts growing. Then we get into where they’re comfortably spending about $500 a month. You do not have to spend much and they’re raking in $10-15,000 a month in commission checks. We literally have people that have not spent more than $5,000 this year in ads and have broken a six-figure income. When you look at those numbers, it’s so hard to argue with the fact that you have to have that in your business. Not necessarily from like, “I don’t know if I want to learn how to do it” standpoint, but you’re a business owner, your bottom line is your most important thing, cash is king, cash is oxygen. If you’re going to go out and blow a big portion of your business or your marketing dollars on things that aren’t really working or relevant anymore, that’s damaging, it’s so damaging. Understanding how to use a video platform like this so that you can do what I did a couple weeks ago and go out and build a custom audience of 33,000 people for $25 that I get to now sell a product to, that’s pennies. You can’t argue with that kind of distribution and your marketing.

Bill: Wow, I mean, the return on investment right there says it all, spending essentially about 5 grand to make 100 grand in commission checks, that says it all. Awesome! Anything else that you can think of that you think would be valuable to share with somebody who’s considering doing video ads for the first time?

Grant: Don’t wait to learn how to do it, that’s another thing about Facebook, is that it evolves. Just like we’re evolving, we’re aging up and we’re aging down faster than we’ve ever seen, Facebook is doing it on steroids and they’re actually kind of dictating some of our growth. Facebook could change in six months and things could be different, that’s just the truth. We, as marketers, sometimes we’re forced to react to whatever happens, that’s kind of just the decisions that are laid down. Understanding how to use this video ad platform, which I think that we’re going to have for a little while, I think that we’re going to have it for $24-36 months, I really do think that we’re going to get it for a little bit, because you still have people that are trying to market their business like it’s 2005. I think we’re going to get this platform for a while. Understand how to use it now so you can take advantage of it in less than a week to two weeks or really whatever kind of learner you are. I’m the kind of guy, I’m going to dive in and I’m going to learn everything I can as fast as I can. Not everybody is like that, which is perfectly fine, but dive in as fast as you can and understand how to use video ads because it’s going to dramatically decrease what you’re spending in marketing and it’s going to dramatically what your ROI is.

Bill: Awesome. I think you’re right in that we’re in this phase right now—and I’ve seen it, I’ve been doing internet marketing for longer than I care to admit, but I’m going on almost 18 years now. I’ve seen every fad and phase and first mover advantage come and go of at least 12 different things that have kind of been “the thing.” They work phenomenally well and they’re really cheap, really effective, lots of ROI, and then their effectiveness diminishes. Not that they stop working, none of them stop working, but they do over time get harder to use and in some cases more expensive.  We’re in that moment now where that’s happening with Facebook video ads. I’ve seen it before and it’s happening again. It’s like the time to strike on this is now, exactly as you said, get in there, get it working, dial it in and rake in all of the cash you can. Then be in that really good position so as more competition comes in and maybe whatever, it could be two years down the road when things are a lot harder, but you’ll already know how to use it and they’ll be ahead of the game.

Grant: Absolutely. There’s a real arbitrage opportunity here, much like everything which you just explained, it comes and goes and get on it as fast as you can because it will definitely serve you well.

Bill: Awesome. Hey, I think we learned a lot of good information here, so I’m glad that you took the time to do this with me.

Grant: I appreciate it. I don’t think that anybody can really understand how much of a deep honor it is to jump on and talk with somebody for 30 minutes to an hour, for people to have an interest in what I’m saying, that’s very touching and I appreciate you inviting me to come in here and add some value.

Bill: Also again, for you helping me here, I want to make sure we also let everybody know that they can reach out to you as well. If somebody is interested in working with you in some way, how would they get a hold of you?

Grant: I think the easiest way possible is to go to It’s going to take you right to my personal Facebook page. We’re not far from having to run over to a new page, business page, public figure or whatever you may call it, but connect with me that way. I try and connect with every single person that comes across, would love to add value to anybody else’s life, if I could. is definitely the best way.

Bill: Great domain, I like that, Very cool, so with that, we’ll wrap it up and thanks again, man, and I’ll see you again some other time.

Grant: Sounds good.